Technology and Entrepreneurship

Make in BVB
3 min readJun 22, 2021

Looking around, we can observe many things, which have become an integral part of our lives. Right from small bulbs to washing machines, mobile phones, computers and what not! Technology has become an inseparable part of our life, hasn’t it? We are surrounded by technology. But where did it all start?

Technology went through innumerable developments in various sectors. Some of the first things which were invented in the ancient ages were boat, wheel, fire and some hunting weapons. Now we are surrounded by such great wonders! Understanding technology is like a whole study of history itself. Just look at various shifts in telecommunication, it all started with simple letters. Later on, we moved to telephones and radios and the next change is Mobile-phones (keypad) came into existence. Boom! Only a decade after that, we have smart touch-screen mobiles, e-mails, smart-watches and so on. Technology is now at its peak and limits are yet to be defined. Now as we have understood technology and its importance, let’s learn its role in ‘entrepreneurship’. We are all familiar with the word “Entrepreneurship”, which means using opportunities to solve problems around us and generating revenue out of it in an innovative fashion.

Now, Just think! if we blend two of the modern century’s powerful words: ‘Technology’ and ‘Entrepreneurship’, Yup! That makes “Technopreneurship”. Now, you are probably thinking of what is the exact meaning of technopreneurship! It is entrepreneurship in the domain of technology. Technopreneur is involved in technopreneurship, he/she starts with nothing but an ‘idea’ and works on it.

“Ideas hold great power. A tiny sewing needle has created beautiful wonders.”

We all know Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and many other icons. They all are referred to as technopreneurs. Now, we are getting somewhere, isn’t it? So, let us know more about technopreneurship.

Google has become a complete part of everyone’s lifestyle, for your kind information the word ‘google’ has even become a ‘verb’ now. That’s a reason, Sergey Brin and Larry Page (Google founders) are successful and popular technopreneurs. Now you may have understood what power a technopreneur holds! Any kind of entrepreneurship requires a firm decision, a proper way of thinking (or mindset), risk-taking ability, and all other entrepreneurial attributes. These attributes apply even to Technopreneurship and in all walks of life.

“Technopreneurs are people with a strong conviction in an idea, which can make lives of the people better.”

From identifying needs, building products, mitigating risks, and bringing those products to market, the entire process is a roller coaster journey with a lot of lessons.

Normally, a technopreneur defies existing practices and systems and thinks of doing things differently, and technopreneurship begins with a customer experience and is worked backward to arrive at the technological solution to be provided to the customers. As they innovate a product or come up with a solution using technology, one has to constantly strive till the idea turns out to be a useful and profitable product. Exploring uncharted territories and being persistent are essential for any technopreneur.

“Sometimes an idea may fail, all that is required is the never-give-up mindset.”

